When you become part of the NutriMost community, you will have unlimited access to NutriMost resources and support including:
Client Portal – The NutriMost Client Portal is the best resource for any and everything NutriMost! Here you will find digital manuals and journals, recipes, blogs, news, videos, photos, product information, and much more. You can upgrade your membership and access the weight tracker – all in the NutriMost Client Portal.
NIVA – The NutriMost Integrated Virtual Assistant (NIVA), is an integrated 24-hour intelligent text messaging system that interprets your daily weight and your questions and proactively guides you to success. Text your weight into NIVA each day and NIVA responds with recommendations, tips, inspiration, and guidance based on your results. NIVA also answers questions! With NutriMost and NIVA, you are never alone on your journey!
NutriMost Healthcare Practitioners and Coaches – In-person support is available at your NutriMost office. Providing excellent support is our main goal and our wellness coaches are passionate about helping people transform their lives.
Social Media – Connect with fellow NutriMost clients who want you to share in their success! Please like the NutriMost USA page on Facebook for news, recipes and much more!